Governor Whitmer signed legislation that protects the public health and safety of Michigan residents by regulating the intoxicating substance delta-8 THC derivative that is currently being sold – untested and unregulated – in convenience stores, gas stores, and tobacco/smoke shops throughout the state.
Starting on October 11, 2021, these products – which were available for sale to individuals of all ages by businesses that cannot currently sell licensed adult-use or medical marijuana products – will be covered by state law and regulated by the state’s Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA).
This package of bills also updates definitions regarding products derived from the cannabis plant so that all intoxicating substances will be safety-tested through the MRA’s statewide monitoring system and will tracked through the state’s seed-to-sale tracking system.
“This package of bills continues to show Michigan is the model for the nation in regard to protecting its residents and making sure that those who consume marijuana products do so in a safe manner,” said Gov. Whitmer
House Bill 4745 will allow telemedicine for Michigan residents participating in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program, a state registry program that administers the MMMA as approved by Michigan voters on November 4, 2008.
“I’m thrilled that medical marijuana patients now have access to telemedicine, just like the rest of Michigan’s medical patients do,” said Gov. Whitmer. “This package of bills makes a huge difference in the lives of those who rely on the medical properties of marijuana.”
HB 4745 was sponsored by Rep. Jim Lilly, R-Park Twp., and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4517 amends the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act to:
• Define «THC» and modify the definitions of «industrial hemp» and «marihuana»
• Require the MRA to promulgate a limit on the total amount of THC that a product intended for human or animal consumption could contain
• Allow the MRA to promulgate rules to exclude from the definition of THC a tetrahydrocannabinol if the MRA determined, based on specified factors, that it did not have a potential for abuse
HB 4517 was sponsored by Rep. Yousef Rabhi, D-Ann Arbor, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4740 amends the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act to modify the definitions of «industrial hemp», «marihuana», and «marihuana-infused product.”
HB 4740 was sponsored by Rep. Pat Outman, R-Six Lakes, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4741 amends the Industrial Hemp Growers Act to modify the definitions of «industrial hemp» and «marihuana», and defined «THC.”
HB 4741 was sponsored by Rep. TC Clements, R-Temperance, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4742 amends the Marihuana Tracking Act to modify the definition of «marihuana.»
HB 4742 was sponsored by Rep. Tenisha Yancey, D-Grosse Pointe, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4743 amends the Public Health Code to modify the definitions of «marihuana» and «industrial hemp.»
HB 4743 was sponsored by Rep. Julie Calley, R-Portland, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4744 amends the Industrial Hemp Research and Development Act to modify the definitions of «industrial hemp» and «THC.”
HB 4744 was sponsored by Rep. Richard Steenland, D-Roseville, and a copy can be found here.
House Bill 4746 amends the Michigan Liquor Control Code to modify the definition of «marihuana.”
HB 4746 was sponsored by Rep. Roger Hauck, R-Mt. Pleasant, and a copy can be found here.